One of the best parts of our journey at Vibe is meeting new people from different locations worldwide, learning about new agriculture and food products, getting exposed to everyday challenges across the supply chain, and making our small contribution to better and safer food.
As a company, we focus on traditional business metrics like growth and ROI (return on investment). But we also invest in and explore areas that feel like the right thing to do—long-term, important, and helpful to others.
When a potential customer called us a few years ago about industrial hemp, my immediate association was with cannabis, and I politely replied that we preferred not to be in that business for many reasons. He laughed loudly and said, "Misconceptual! This is industrial hemp, a perfect plant. Its parts are used for thousands of applications: food, feed, textiles, construction, and cosmetics."
So, we decided to give it a try. We began by providing breeders with the necessary numbers to help them correlate physical parameters with plant genetics, growing conditions, and inputs. Later, we assisted hemp processors with accurate and objective assessments of seed quality when it arrived at their facilities, during processing, and in final products. We also worked with product companies for incoming inspections.
Over time, we expanded beyond just seeds. Now, we also work with hemp by-products such as fiber, hurd, and powders, offering the same accurate assessments to ensure quality throughout the supply chain.
Today, we’re seeing increased interest worldwide. New and innovative companies across various sectors—not just those focused on health and sustainability—are entering the market, offering endless opportunities to improve our lives.
Image credit to Hemp Farm® www.hempfarm.co.nz