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New Research Using the Vibe QM3i to check demand for broken rice and its potential food security implications

The Vibe QM3i used in the research of the Dept. of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness in the University of Arkansas and tried to understand the demand for broken rice and its potential food security implications in Colombia.

Rice is a crucial contributor to global food security and is an important staple for over half the world’s population. Irrigated paddy rice is a water-intensive crop, and an important contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, improving the efficiency of using rice as food rather than non-food uses is paramount to sustainably feeding a growing global population. One source of inefficiency in the rice market is using broken rice for non-food purposes. This study focuses on consumer preferences for rice with different broken percentages in Colombia.

Read the full research article below by:

Dept. of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness, AGRI 217, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 72701, USA

Fondo Latinoamericano para Arroz de Riego – FLAR, Cali, Colombia

Environmental Policy and Sociology at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

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