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Vibe Blog

"The Grain Guru"
Jun 15, 20231 min read
Exciting Update: New Research by USDA-ARS Using the Vibe QM3i to Characterize Yellow Pea Genotypes
Our cutting-edge Vibe QM3i has helped achieve remarkable success in a new study done by USDA-ARS that researched the characterization of...
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"The Grain Guru"
May 22, 20232 min read
Vibe Platform for Quality Control, Food Safety, and Process Improvement
Vision of Things(TM) is a powerful machine vision platform that can inspect various materials. It offers a comprehensive range of...
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"The Grain Guru"
May 11, 20231 min read
Vibe Joined the National Hemp Association
This is excellent news! I am pleased to inform you that VIBE Imaging Analytics has become a silver member of the National Hemp...
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"The Grain Guru"
May 7, 20231 min read
FLAR / CIAT: Making Rice More Productive, Resilient, and Competitive
So nice to see a customer post on Facebook presenting our QM3i Rice Analyzer. FLAR (Colombia) has been our customer since Mid 2018. They...
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"The Grain Guru"
May 7, 20233 min read
Digital, Automation, and Inflation.
Our business reality is constantly changing, and regardless of whether we are in the camp of optimists or pessimists, we need to act....
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"The Grain Guru"
May 7, 20231 min read
Grain Divider
When I first saw this Samovar-look-like device at a grain inspection laboratory in California, I laughed and asked why people were still...
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"The Grain Guru"
May 7, 20232 min read
The Paradox of Innovation Drives Stagnation
I've been observing and thinking about the paradox of early adoption and innovative companies, the one who first to identifies a need for...
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Dr. Nitika Jaiswal
Jan 10, 20232 min read
Detecting Fusarium in Damaged Wheat Kernels
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a health-hazardous and economically devastating and destructive fungal disease of cereal crops like wheat...
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"The Grain Guru"
Aug 8, 20221 min read
New Research Using the Vibe QM3 to Check Morphometric Parameters of Wheat
Kernel morphometric parameters (kernel length, width, area and weight) and total spike yield were successfully obtained by sampling seed...
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"The Grain Guru"
Jul 7, 20221 min read
Phenotyping in Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeding Research by North Dakota State University
"Hard Red Spring Wheat is an important class of wheat grown all over the world. The rise of population requires increasing food...
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"The Grain Guru"
Jul 5, 20224 min read
The Grain Industry Endorsed Analytical Platform for Visual Inspection
We love safe, high-quality food and drinks. Aside from our personal preferences, food quality is about the taste, appearance, smell, and...
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"The Grain Guru"
May 1, 20222 min read
True Unbiased and Standard Color Rice Whiteness Measurements
Rice color and whiteness are essential quality factors, which are the end results of the combination of rice variety, growing conditions,...
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"The Grain Guru"
Mar 20, 20221 min read
Clemson University Validates Vibe QM3i’s Fusarium Detection Superiority
The Vibe QM3i starred in Clemson University’s latest research publication which evaluated methods for measuring wheat fusarium-damaged...
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"The Grain Guru"
Mar 20, 20221 min read
FoodTech500 Ranks Vibe IA as #25 in 2021 Global AgTech Survey
FoodTech500 chose us as #25 on the list for 2021 out of over 2,500 applicants from more than 85 countries around the world! Read more...
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"The Grain Guru"
Nov 15, 20211 min read
Seed “Area to Perimeter Ratio” to Perfect Your Seed’s Morphology
Typical seed morphology includes measuring seed length, width, and calculating length to width ratio to describe the seed shape. Adding...
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"The Grain Guru"
Aug 10, 20212 min read
New Business Model to the Grain Visual Inspection, Post-Harvest Supply Chain
It all started with a customer comment, “…the technology is moving so fast that all my new lab equipment becomes obsolete within a short...
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"The Grain Guru"
May 9, 20213 min read
Food and Grain Processing, Average Measurements, Average Performance
The grain and food industry uses dimension and color average values for quality and process control, from grading to cleaning,...
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"The Grain Guru"
Dec 27, 20202 min read
QM3 Data Had a Stronger Positive Correlation with Manual FDK Values than other Phenotypic Platforms
#Wheat #FDK #DON #UsWheatAndBarleyScabInitiative #GrainAnalysis #Barley Flashback to San Francisco, October 2017, I’m on the stage for...
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"The Grain Guru"
Sep 23, 20202 min read
Aflatoxins: The Need for Early Detection
Aflatoxins are toxic metabolites produced by a variety of molds commonly known as mycotoxin. These mycotoxins are secondary metabolites...
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"The Grain Guru"
Sep 5, 20202 min read
Read if your company profit is your business
USDA Weekly Report for Rice and by-product prices
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